Bouquets [events]

Closing Party of BingenTV, 7 December 2023, 7pm at Mimosa House
featuring artists Sophie Seita and Naomi Woo, Her Ensemble, and Diarmuid Hester (Nothing Ever Just Disappears)

bingenTV ‘neon’ sign, installed at Mimosa House. Photo: Natalia Janula

A celebratory closing party for bingenTV, featuring a screening of the titular film bingenTV (2023) included in the show, a conversation between artists Sophie Seita + Naomi Woo + Diarmuid Hester (author of Nothing Ever Just Disappears), interspersed with musical contributions by Ellie Consta/Her Ensemble.


Ellie Consta performing a piece by Hildegard on the violin, at Mimosa House.
Photo: Laura Cobb

Jacqui Bardelang as Thompson Johnson in bingenTV (2023) at Mimosa House.
Photo: Laura Cobb (2023).

Naomi Woo, Sophie Seita, and Diarmuid Hester in conversation at Mimosa House.
Photo: Laura Cobb (2023).

Naomi Woo, Sophie Seita, and Diarmuid Hester in conversation at Mimosa House.
Photo: Laura Cobb (2023).